
精品推荐| 2024-09-20 10:02:58

Final Fantasy 12 International Edition Differences

1. Character Classes

In the original version of FF12, characters did not have defined classes. However, in the International Edition, the License Board was introduced, allowing players to assign each character one of 12 zodiac-themed classes. This changed the growth system of characters, as well as how skills and equipment were distributed.

2. Magic and Mist Charges

In the International Edition, casting magic only consumes MP, and Mist Charges are not depleted when using Quickenings (limit breaks). Additionally, any effects that restore MP will also restore Mist Charges, making the two resources interlinked in a more dynamic way.

3. Summoning Changes

In the International Edition, summons are more versatile and controllable, allowing players to customize their usage more effectively. This adds a new layer of strategic depth to battles.

4. Quickening Changes

Another difference in the International Edition is the way Quickening abilities work. They no longer consume MP when used, giving players more freedom to utilize these powerful attacks without resource limitations.

Final Fantasy 12 International Edition is not just an English-language version of the game. It retains the original Japanese voiceovers and adds English subtitles. The game systems have been significantly revamped, with character classes tied to zodiac signs, a fast-forward option for battles, and adjustments to magic, skills, and leveling up.

5. Hidden Mode: Weak Mode

A hidden mode called "Weak Mode" is added in the International Edition, becoming the essence of FF12 International Edition. Players who are familiar with the game and up for a challenge will find this mode to be a true test of their skills.

6. Official Extreme Challenge Mode

This guide is specifically tailored for the Weak Mode of Final Fantasy 12 International Edition. Players who are looking to tackle the official extreme challenge mode provided by Square Enix will find detailed strategies and tips to navigate this tough gameplay experience.